Page name: HSP United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-02-21 23:50:52
Last author: Janouk
Owner: Ocean Dreaming
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What is HSP?

HSP is an abbreviation meaning 'Highly Sensitive Person'. It's a term first used by Elaine Aron, the first psychologist to make HSP a study.
It is not, however, a new phenomena. It's inherited and often mislabeled as shyness, introversion or similar.

Being highly sensitive means that one has a much more sensitive nervous system, thus these people are more often and more easily overwhelmed or overstimulated. It can, but does not have to, go paired with keener senses. Highly sensitive people will process and reflect on information deeper.


How do you know if you are highly sensitive?

There is a self-test on Elaine Aron's website about HSP that you could consider taking. It's located at

Another test, though it is not quite as interactive can be found on
It's more comprehensive than the previous.

Please note that any tests you take are not the be-all or end-all of your life. Use them as indicators, not absolute facts.

If you are highly sensitive, it is possible that you experience a strong emotional reaction to hearing the word or suddenly pieces of your life have fallen into place.


Why is it important to be aware of this?

As said, being highly sensitive means that you are more easily stressed out and modern day's quick-quick lifestyle doesn't do these people any good.
Going through this life without knowing one's own gift isn't healthy. People burn out or worse.

Being told that 'you're overly sensitive' can destroy a person's self-worth, especially when it is something that cannot be helped. If you are highly sensitive, it's a part of you (actually, highly sensitive people have a higher cortisol level which causes the overstimulation). It won't go away. Your life will probably improve if you're actively aware of your gift and when you're heading for a situation that your body can't handle.


HSP Stories
Come share your story with others. It's good to be amongst people who will understand your situation, not everyone understands what it's like to be highly sensitive.

HSP Stories.


HSP Discussion

A forum for HSPs or otherwise more sensitive people to discuss matters of sensitivity. Or rather -if you have questions about HSP or related matters you can go here instead of watching this page all the time. ^-~
You can also post if you just need a bit of support at any given time. We all go through our own crises, let's try to be there for one another.

Due to the possibility that people will post personal stories (avisory note - be careful how much you reveal), the forum is invite only. We don't want (or need) people who are just out to cause trouble or upset people.
That said, it IS possible that people post controversial issues. Please denote this at the beginning of your post. ^-^


Miscellanous Sections of HSP United

HSP Banners - Very few people know about HSP, or that they have it. Banners to put on your wiki-pages or in your descriptions.


Resources and Links

Feel free to add to this list, but please remember to give a short explanation of the resource and, where needed, complete information. Books should include title, author, year of publishment and ISBN number so they're easier to find. - A concise and comprehensive site about HSP by Elaine Aron. It covers the basic information and provides you with a test to indicate whether you could be highly sensitive or whether you are raising a highly sensive child. - While this is mainly in promotion of a book, it contains excerpts that might be of interest to an HSP. - This offers another way of contacting other HSPs and offers yet more insight into this trait. - a blog about living sensitive. - personal website of dr Kyra Mesich. Has links to newsletters and lists various other possibly helpful information.

Thanks go out to [Ocean Dreaming] for the creation of this wiki and subwikis.


Highly Sensitive People United Members
(Please add your name below the last.)
[Ocean Dreaming]
[Jeed] I am believe it or not
[ally] is confused by the high score on that test...does this mean I'm sick? O.o
[Shainn] A little above the limit...
[Tapestry of Destiny]
[x Drama Queen\+]
[Artsieladie] Oh, yeah..
[frogster] I didn't know this existed and wow am I HSP!
[-tsukasa-] I'm a HSP but it depends on my mood HOW sensative 
[The Kind Lady Renee] I don't really want to admit it, but I felt that all 27 questions fit mom always said I was too sesitive...and I guess I am...I cry over nothing, for crying out loud!
[zoloftzantac] - noises & lights bother me, strong smells give me a quick headache
[~Lady Morgana~] I do not think we are too sensetive, the world is just not nice enough!

Username (or number or email):


2005-05-22 [Sunrose]: You made the wiki I once planned to make hehe. It looks good, well done ^_^

2005-05-22 [Ocean Dreaming]: Thanks. ^-^

2005-05-23 [Ocean Dreaming]: [ally], you're not sick. ^-^ You're just a more sensitive person than the majority of the world. Tis a gift. ^-^

2005-05-23 [Sunrose]: And a curse sometimes too =P ([ally], do you have to stalk me everywhere?! :P j/ to see you here too ^^ )

2005-05-25 [Ocean Dreaming]: I strongly recommend the articles on if people are looking for both more personal and broader information on HSP. ^-^ Becoming aware of this gift can be an ordeal of its own. There's plenty of pitfalls.

2005-05-27 [Janouk]: Thank you for pointing me on this, I find it very interesting.

2005-05-27 [Ocean Dreaming]: Not a problem. ^-^

2005-06-03 [Ocean Dreaming]: Ooh.. Sunrose sent me a quotation from an article that might be of interest. Tis Dutch though. Anybody interested in seeing whether the fair use clause covers translations? ^-~

2005-06-07 [Linderel]: This certainly would explain a WHOLE lot of things. Including my panic attacks. I got nineteen points in the test, I'm still not sure if I should join though...

2005-06-07 [Ocean Dreaming]: There are many 'classifications' that would befit HSP. Introversion is one of the mentioned ones. I'd suggest looking up more information about it and see how much of yourself you can recognise. ^-^ As for joining... I'm hoping that I can create a small safe haven for us sensitive people here on Elftown where we can offer each other support. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it's very good to realise that you're not alone. There are hunderds of people who are different in the same way you are. ^-^ That's one of the main goals. Helping people realise that who they are has a name and that there are more people who have to deal with the same type of problems.

2005-06-07 [Linderel]: Nearly everything fits too well to be ignored. I think-- I'm in.

2005-06-07 [Ocean Dreaming]: Welcome to the wondrous world that is HSP. ^-^ It's not always easy (especially in this day and age), but that's why it's important to realise and embrace who we are. More so than for the 85% of people that aren't so sensitive. I'm still learning about it myself and I am far from calling myself from being an expert, but I'll do my best to answer any questions people might have. ^-^

2005-06-14 [Artsieladie]: Oh, yeah,...but I think that it gives me a great tool into a deeper level of insight! Sometimes this is real handy...and sometimes it can feel like an additional weight that you carry around! :D <> ,^_^, <> :D ...etc...

2005-06-23 [empty__house]: Thanks Calann that I've found this. The same - this explains a lot. I didn't think the test was necessary, but I went through it - 26 points.

2005-06-23 [Ocean Dreaming]: HSP definitely is both a blessing and a bane, [Artsieladie]. ^-^ It's also very easy to ignore the good it does us. ^-^ As a question, would anyone be interested in a section of exersizes that might help heighten your senses and/or calm them?

2005-06-26 [Artsieladie]: I think that I would be.... :D

2005-06-26 [Linderel]: Someone just commented on my Livejournal like this (translated): "After reading your poetry I just had to share with you the feeling they gave me. I just couldn't help myself." And the rest of that second sentence was a link to . I'm slightly mad at myself for letting an anonymous person hurt me with their comment, but I can't help it. I also have no idea why I'm whining about it in here.

2005-06-27 [Ocean Dreaming]: Feel free to whine as much and as long as you like. ^-^ *hugs* I know how comments like that feel and I know how hard it is (especially for HSPs!) to ignore comments like that. Probably they're just jealous of the fact that you write wonderful poetry and they don't. People who can't handle that lash out at those who can. It's childish, hurtful and cowardly, but it says more about their own inability to come to terms with themselves than what the factual text is saying. I know, me saying this isn't much and it certainly doesn't undo the comment, but I hope it helps in some way. ^-^

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